Working with you to strengthen your workplace
Transactional Entertainment Law
It’s called the “entertainment business” for a reason. From the outside in, Music, Film, Television and other Media Industries may look like it’s all glitz, glamour and fun. But for those on the inside, the key to building success and longevity is building a solid business foundation and strategic dealmaking. Transactional Entertainment Law involves the legal transactions and business dealings between companies and/or individuals in the entertainment industries. The Law Office of Heather Beverly, P.C. helps our clients plan for success by assisting them in navigating the numerous transactions and business dealings that are inherent to the business of entertainment.
For example:
Music Transactions
Independent Label Representation
Record deals
Distribution deals
Recording project management
Publishing Agreements
Producer Agreements
Side Artist/Feature Artist Agreements
Exclusivity Waivers
Work for Hire Agreements
Songwriter Split Agreements
Synchronization Licenses
Master Use Licenses
Sample/Interpolation Agreements
Catalog Sales
Live Performance Agreements
Tour Deals
Venue Agreements
Band Member Agreements
Concert Promotion Agreements
Film & Television Transactions
Reality Television Cast Agreements
Development Agreements
Collaboration Agreements
Option/Literary Purchase Agreements
Writer Collaboration Agreements
Production Legal Services
Talent Agreements
Executive Producer Agreements
Producer Agreements
Director Agreements
Writer Agreements
Life Rights Acquisition Agreements
Appearance Releases
Extra Releases
Footage and Materials Releases
Crew Agreements (Employees & Contractors)
Cast Agreements
Location Agreements
Chain of Title Summaries
Union signatory paperwork
Music Supervisor Agreements
Broadcaster license Agreements
Distribution Agreements
Sales Agreements
Materials and likeness releases
License Agreements
Other Transactional Matters
Corporate Entity Formation (Special purpose vehicles, furnishing companies, entertainment companies)
Intellectual property registrations (copyrights, trademarks)
Radio Personality Talent Agreements
Influencer Agreements
Sponsorship and Endorsement Agreements
Book Publishing Agreements
Book Distribution Deals
Literary Agent Agreements
Model Agent Agreements
Photographer Agreements
Independent Contractor Agreements
Speaker Agreements
Comedian Booking Agreements
Joint Venture Agreements
Corporate Entity Sales
Consultant Agreements
Investor Agreements
*This is a long, but not exhaustive list of the types of transactional matters our firm handles. Please contact us to inquire about your specific needs.